Graphology and psychogenealogy
Understanding yourself and others better through graphology and psychogenealogy
Laurence Baudot is a graphologist and graphotherapist.
A graduate of the Société Française de Graphologie (SFDG) and the Groupement des Grapholgoues Conseils de France (GGCF), she also holds bachelor's degrees in psychology in English.
For over 20 years, she has put her expertise at the service of companies and individuals.
Trained in psychogenealogy, she is co-author of Sur la piste de nos ancêtres, nouvelles approches morphopsychologiques et graphologiques (Dervy, 2008), as well as books and articles devoted to her areas of expertise.
Welcome to Graphogenealogic, a website dedicated to graphology and psychogenealogy, handwriting and the Family Tree.
Discover our articles and books, and book a course or consultation.

« The man who writes unconsciously draws his inner nature. Conscious writing is an unconscious drawing, a sign, and a portrait of oneself. » wrote Swiss graphologist Max Pulver.
Graphology, a technique of observation and interpretation belonging to the Human Sciences, enables us to describe the personality of the writer through a precise analysis of the handwriting.
This precious tool can help:
- As part of the recruitment process, to find the most suitable candidate for the position to be filled.
- As part of a skills assessment to better identify the potential and aptitudes of people undergoing retraining.
- As part of a career guidance process to determine the most suitable path.
- At any time, to take stock through a better understanding of oneself and one's potential, or to better understand one's loved ones.
- As part of psychogenealogy research, handwriting analysis gives access to a better understanding of our ancestors' personalities.
To carry out a handwriting analysis, the graphologist needs at least one original signed document.
For an in-depth analysis, additional documents such as letters, postcards, drafts, notes, etc. are required.
Laurence Baudot, Graphologue Conseil, a graduate of the Groupement des Graphologues Conseils de France and the Société Française de Graphologie, offers you :
-Graphological analyses for professional or private purposes.
-Graphology courses, all levels (remote or face-to-face).
Information and appointments :
Psychogenealogy is a new field in psychology that allows us to better understand our family history by discovering connections between past events and our present life.
Usually, genealogy consists of collecting names and dates and organizing them chronologically. But psychogenealogy goes further than a collection of names and dates. It highlights repetitions and links between past and present events to free us from these repetitions.
Deciphering a Family Tree means conducting a genealogical investigation over four generations, gathering official documents (birth, marriage, and death certificates, military records), memories and testimonials from people who knew our ancestors, and information about the historical and social context.
Secrets and ignorance are poisons that will lead us to reproduce the same tragedies over and over again. This is why it is important to get to know our family’s history.
Each piece of information sheds light on a part of ourselves and helps us get out of the vagueness in which we live as long as we know nothing about our origins.
Knowing about our ancestors enables us to differentiate ourselves from them and become who we truly are.
We can complete this genealogical investigation by going further with graphology, graphotherapy, and using our intuition and creativity.
This approach is presented in "Sur la piste de nos ancêtres" Dervy, 2008, a title that means "On Our Ancestor's Tracks" (soon to be translated into English).
Information and appointments :
Graphotherapy is a handwriting re-education technique designed to help all those - children and adults alike - whose handwriting does not allow them to achieve their age-related goals of fluency and legibility.
When handwriting causes suffering, blockages, and discomfort of all kinds, graphotherapy is often the best solution.
Handwriting difficulties can take the form of :
* abnormal fatigue linked to the act of writing
* writing that's too slow or too hurried
* writing that is difficult to read, clumsy, distorted, messy or disorganized
* an unsatisfactory choice of writing hand;
The graphotherapist proposes simple graphic exercises that will enable the handwriting to improve and become efficient.
This positive result will also lead to greater self-confidence and better school results.
If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
+33 130820718